[Alberg30] repowering

Dick Filinich daf at mobiletel.com
Mon Mar 5 18:35:39 PST 2001

Harlan:I repowered my a-30 with the Kubota 20 hp diesel,some time
back.I  have more than a hundred hours on it now,and never had a bit of
trouble with the engine,don't worry about getting parts.I paid $5395
with custom deluxe panel.I bought out of state and saved the taxes.I had
photos of the engine sitting in compartment,there is plenty of room.I
sent them to someone in Kentucky,don't recall his name.I used same prop
12x6 two blade,and believe me @ 2000 to 2200 rpm she moves well.At 2800
rpm's the  exhaust is in the water.Listen I work as a welder in a
shipyard and we sometimes work in bilges with oil slicks in them,diesel
is safe and if you can afford it drop one in there.One thing to remember
about diesel is that when you have a problem,90% of the time its a fuel
problem,filters,dirty fuel,air bound system.Gas,get ready to go through
the whole check list of potential problems.I'll take a few photos of my
installation again and send them to you if your interested.
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