[Alberg30] new pictures

George Dinwiddie alberg30 at gaucho.nethollywood.net
Tue Mar 27 12:25:50 PST 2001

You'll find the page from the Maintenance Manual on the 15 gallon
holding tank at http://www.alberg30.org/maintenance/head/HoldingTank.pdf

The pictures showing a tank mounted under the cabin sole are found
at http://www.alberg30.org/maintenance/head/under-sole/ 

Please use a compressed format (.jpg or .png) for emailed 
pictures. Definitely do not use .bmp, as this is totally
uncompressed (makes large files) and cannot be read on
machines other than PCs running Windows.

 - George

 George Dinwiddie                         gdinwiddie at alberg30.org

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