[Alberg30] propeller for knotmeter

R.C. Alley ralley at chesapeake.net
Thu Mar 8 17:56:46 PST 2001

I suppose, if you became absolutely desperate, you could make a plaster mould of what you have, carving out missing parts with a dremel tool. A plaster mould can be used to "cast" a new part out of marine-tex, which is an extremely hard epoxy that can be use to repair almost anything.  You might have to make two or three moulds to get a good one, but marine -tex is cheap. It can be carved, sanded, drilled, cut, etc. 

Sounds to me, however, that you would be better served to simply buy a new unit--making a new impeller could easily cost you $200 in your own time (I cost out my time at $25.00 an hour), and that is what a new unit costs at discount.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Lorelei23 at aol.com 
  To: public-list at alberg30.org 
  Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 2:52 PM
  Subject: [Alberg30] propeller for knotmeter

  I continue to have difficulty finding a replacement prop for my knotmeter.   
  An impossibility is more like it.  Most places respond as if I am requesting 
  something extraterresterial.  Unfortunately, the prop is so badly damaged, I 
  do not think the epoxy/tin repair method will work. 

  If my search continues to be unsuccessful, can anyone recommend a make or 
  model that I might replace the current system with? 

  The current knotmeter reads in kilometers, not nautical readings.  The former 
  boat owner told me it was of German origin.  I have looked all around but I 
  have not been able to find a name or model.    Would or could this be the 
  Sumlog that someone mentioned from Holland Marine in Canada? 

  Help please.        Lorelei 
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