[Alberg30] Force 10 Kerosene Heaters

John Allen gallen at vcn.bc.ca
Wed Mar 14 15:40:07 PST 2001

I have used the same Force 10 heater for many years.  I had the surging
problem even after pumping to 15+lbs. or 1 atm. as you mention, but with an
adjustable valve in the delivery line, the flow can be fine tuned to
eliminate this problem.  Yes the copper line will get very hot which keeps
the pressure up.  I would make sure that the line you have with the
compression fittings is approved by the insurance gods or coast guard.

Cheers, Skybird #522

----- Original Message -----
From: Charles Haggart <chaggart at sympatico.ca>
To: <public-list at alberg30.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 7:08 PM
Subject: [Alberg30] Force 10 Kerosene Heaters

> Everyone;
> I just bought a used Force ten Kerosene Heater. I had to buy a  fuel line
> for it. I used 1/4 in copper with compression fitting at both ends. I
> up the tank to 1 atm. preheated it then flashed it up on the bench to make
> sure it worked.  All was well until it heated up, then it started to
> some sort of pressure pulse. Also the fuel line got very hot  at least two
> feet back from the heater (is this normal?). Any thoughts on its
> Charles Haggart

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