[Alberg30] Re: Gray Marine

Gordon E. White gewhite at crosslink.net
Tue May 29 14:24:58 PDT 2001

    Sure sounds like a fuel or vent  problem to me. I have had this
happen several times in boats and cars. Once had my Mustang do that in
downtown DC traffic. I disconnected the in-line fuel filter and rammed a
screwdriver through the mesh. Fixed it long enough to get home. Had the
same thing happen on Brigadoon with the diesel. It was a leaking fuel
line that fed just enough to keep it running at low RPM. BTW, if you
have an older Westerbeke, there is a fuel line fix that replaces the
rigid line to the injector pump with flex, as vibration broke the rigid
line. If anyone has the older line, better fix it or it will let go at
the absolutely worst time you can imagine.

            - Gordon White

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