[Alberg30] Stuffing box stuff

R.C. Alley ralley at chesapeake.net
Sat Nov 3 09:07:49 PST 2001

I had reason to replace the rubber in the stuffing box and stern tube this spring; I found the following:

1.  Flax packing installed 3 years ago still functional.
2.  No adjustment to the packing gland had ever been made; was damp to the touch continuously, making a drop or two of water about once a minute.  Stainless shaft showed some wear but no scoring.
3.  The packing gland was frozen, and no amount to pressure was going to free it, regardless of the tools used.

The problem was that there was vertigris built up in the threads of the gland.  I solved the problem by simply removing the gland (removing both clamps).

BUT, if I had not been replacing rubber (and packing) I could have used a 2-5% solution of vinegar poured over the fitting/soaking the fitting until loosened.  I  ended up soaking the gland in a milk jug full of vinegar until clean anyway. Wash in clean water w/ detergent before re-assembly.

Vinegar that you buy in a supermarket is somewhere between 2-5%.  White vinegar is best, but anything will do.  In Europe, vinegar of various strengths is sold in stores for cleaning of various sorts; the 20% stuff will clean anything, take the skin off your fingers and the enamel off your teeth, makes your eyes water, and can be dangerous if misused.  They are a less litigous society than ours, and actually assume that if you buy it, you are responsible for its proper use.....It is more environmentally friendly.

PS. The last time I rebuilt the bronze head pump, I soaked it overnight to remove all the vertigris..........


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