[Alberg30] Lazy Jacks

Gord Laco gord at transatmarine.com
Fri Oct 26 10:43:12 PDT 2001

Welcome Dave -

I don't use lazy jacks to help furl the main... we think we don't need them
since we use what I was taught to call a  "sea furl".

When its time to dump the main, we put a crewmember at the end of the boom
and its "bombs away" on the halyard.  As the sail starts coming down the
person at the end grabs the clewlines of the first reef and holds them tight
making a pocket of the sail on the leeward side of the boom.  The sail falls
into it.  Always.  we then roll  the sail as tightly as we can and then make
up the gaskets.

By the way, we sail on Georgian Bay but used to do the Bay of Quinte on our
annual cruises to the 1000 Islands when we sailed out of Toronto.  We once
spinnakered down the Murray Canal!

KC426 Surprise

----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Rutherford <drutherford at hpedsb.on.ca>
To: <public-list at alberg30.org>
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 3:54 PM
Subject: [Alberg30] Lazy Jacks

> Greetings, I have joined the list as a potential owner in the future.  I
> currently own an Alberg22 in Belleville, Ontario.  I noticed some
> discussions on LazyJacks and since I would like to install a set
> wondered what the group has found with respect to their mainsail
> handling capabilities.
> I do not race and cruise only.  The local rigging shop produces them but
> they remain up all the time and do not retract to the mast.  Can members
> tell me if this is ok and if there is much variation in the different
> units available.  I understand Practical Sailor did a comparison a few
> years ago as well. Thanks very much. I appreciate any advice.
> --
> Dave Rutherford
> Superintendent of Finance
> Hastings and Prince Edward DSB
> 156 Ann St.
> Belleville, Ontario
> K8N 1N9
> 613-966-1170

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