[Alberg30] Holding Tank Group Purchase

Chester and Jan Koop cjk at tir.com
Tue Sep 11 20:54:39 PDT 2001

To those of considering purchasing the holding tank - something to remember:  

About four weeks ago I place a order with Kracao for the model tank under discussion.  Because I did not want the holes for intake, vent, and discharge fittings in their standard  locations, I ordered it as "blank" tank (i.e no holes)  and had the fittings shipped for later installation.  I made it very  clear to the person taking the order of my intend and the reasons for ordering the blank.  So last Wednesday when the tank arrives what do I find, a 3/8" hole in the middle of the plane measuring 12.5" X 22" near the edge adjacent to the 6" x 22" plane.  

It was only after I called Kraco this morning, that I was told that unless you specifically request otherwise, all tanks are sent out with this hole in it.  This little known fact was not divulged during the ordering process. So make sure that whenever and whoever places the order(s) make sure to specify that this hole be "spun welded" closed following the molding process. In my conversation with the production manager (Dave), I was told that this hole is used for venting purposes during the manufacturing process and later serves as "guide" for locating the position of the 5/8" vent fitting on standard tanks (sort of defeats the purpose of special ordering a blank tank for custom installations doesn't it). 

Chet Koop
Tangaroa #445
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