[Alberg30] "I want to buy an Alberg 30"

Jay Davenport jay at saildriver.com
Wed Sep 12 18:04:27 PDT 2001

"I want to buy an Alberg 30" was the message I got from a caller tonight. He is one of those wise folk who appreciate the unique beauty and practicality of this boat. He saw my A30 in Greenwich, NJ, and got my phone # from the yard. His name is Ron Voss, and he proceeded to ask if I would sell Revolution, #526, to him. My response was a polite but definite NO.

He went on to tell me that he has decided to buy an A30 & is trying to locate attractive candidates. I asked him if he was ready to buy now, and he said yes, so I offered to put his name and phone number on this site if he wished. Ron can be reached at 856-451-3674, which is in Fairton in southern New Jersey. He is a friend of Bill Breneman's. Apparently he is willing to look at boats anywhere between NY and Virginia. 

Jay Davenport

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