[Alberg30] propeller nuts

J Bergquist j at ship.saic.com
Tue Apr 30 06:59:50 PDT 2002

Does anybody have some good advice about getting off propeller nuts? I used some liquid wrench to loosen them, but that didn't facilitate removal. My next plan is to use a propane torch to heat the after one and hopefully get some thermal expansion that will allow easy removal. However, I am wondering if the bronze is work hardened, might I cause some recrystallization of the metal, and thus ruin the nut? I guess I could just buy a new one, but I thought I'd see if anybody has done this recently and has some good advice.

By the way, I am the brand new owner of Calliope, Hull#287. I bought her from Tom Forhan last weekend, and I am currently undertaking a stuffing box repair (and stern tube hose replacement), bilge cleaning, and installation of an electric bilge pump. If anyone has recommendations about any of these projects, I'd love to hear them. Hopefully I'll have the boat in the water before the end of May and see some of you out there. 

J Bergquist
Research Naval Architect
Ship Technology Division - SAIC
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