[Alberg30] Crusing with a cellphone

Randy Katz randyk at bertschi.org
Sun Aug 18 11:11:02 PDT 2002

By the by,
    Before cruising on the Inside to the north end of V ancouver Is. here in
the Pacific NW, I checked around about cell phone coverage.  Most people
suggested Verizon, some thought ATT and others were poor.
    I ended up with Verizon and found that it worked very well from nearly
all places I went to.  Within a few/several miles of the east side of Vanc.
Is. the phone worked all the way up to Port Hardy.  There were a couple of
places further east, tucked in places behind hills/mtns. and such, where
service didn't work.   I was very happy with the coverage, though.
    An earlier query to Verizon yielded the fact that they "turn up" the
service in the Desolation Sound area in the summer for tourist boaters.

    A further note:  The coast guards make it plain that a cell phone should
be a last resort when calling for help (by dialing *16 for an immed.
connexion to the coast guard, in Canada anyway)--  VHF is far preferable as
it would put you in touch with those who can help the fastest: people within
radio range.


Randy Katz
910 - 32nd Ave
Seattle, WA. 98122

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