[Alberg30] Failure of truth in advertising

SandersM at aol.com SandersM at aol.com
Mon Feb 11 12:16:29 PST 2002

Greetings, all.

I was browsing the current issue of Maine Boats & Harbors magazine, and found 

an ad on the rear cover for a new Epifanes product line that appears to be be 

Epifanes' answer to Cetol:  two satin synthetic finishes called Rapidcoat 

("slightly pigmented") and Rapidclear (transparent).  The ad says they 

require no sanding between coats, and you can lay three coats in 18 hours.

Above the text, covering the top half of the ad, is a heartbreaking 

photograph by Onne Van Der Wal of a Herreshoff Alerion-class sloop.  Her 

coamings and rail and jib boom glow with an impeccable buttery lustrous 

finish.  And I'm thinking the Tooth Fairy has at last arrived, and Epifanes 

-- of course it would come from Epifanes! -- had formulated a finish that 

combined the durability and ease of maintenance of Cetol with the lustre and 

beauty of varnish.

But, alas, no.  When I called Epifanes to ask a few questions, the fellow I 

spoke with said that the boat in the picture had not been coated with the new 

finishes -- that, in fact, the picture was taken before the product had 

been created.  Putting such a prominent image in the ad, that is unrelated to 

the product but intended to be associated with the product, seems terribly 


Okay, now that I've gotten that off my chest:  I'm still left wondering if 

Epifanes might have hit upon a formulation that is more attractive than 

Cetol.  If any of you give it a try (I might), it would be great to learn 

about your reactions to it.

Sanders McNew
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