[Alberg30] Tiller Pilot

Peers Pendlebury peers.pendlebury at telus.net
Tue Feb 12 08:35:01 PST 2002

Hi John:
I have been looking at a windvane which seems to be the perfect solution. Check out www.capehorn.com They claim that they have the cheapest and most efficient on the market. They put out a video which shows a single handed 28,000 mile circumnavigation in an Alberg 30. During the whole of the 100 minute presentation the windvane does all the steering. It is even claimed to be efficient in wing on wing light air situations. I plan on ordering one in the future. Each one is built to fit the boat it is going to be installed on and is guaranteed for 28,000 miles or one circumnavigation.
Peers Pendlebury, SUBEE #333
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