[Alberg30] purchase of an Alberg 30

Charles Haggart chaggart at sympatico.ca
Fri Jan 4 06:12:23 PST 2002

I have Hull # 152 for sale. I am in Toronto and can be reached directly at:
chaggart at sympatico.ca
  -----Original Message-----
  From: public-list-admin at alberg30.org
[mailto:public-list-admin at alberg30.org]On Behalf Of PRNJ9
  Sent: January 3, 2002 11:44 AM
  To: Public-list at alberg30.org
  Subject: [Alberg30] purchase of an Alberg 30

  I am interested in purchasing an Alberg 30.  Please advise me of any that
are for sale other than those already posted on the site and/or  listed in
the links suggested on the site.  Thank you.   Pat
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