[Alberg30] [Fwd: [Fwd: FW: Where does your gas come from.]]
John Birch
Sunstone at cogeco.ca
Sun Nov 17 11:39:36 PST 2002
Come on guys - lets keep politics off the list.
----- Original Message -----
From: chrishardy
To: Alberg 30 public list
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2002 1:09 PM
Subject: [Alberg30] [Fwd: [Fwd: FW: Where does your gas come from.]]
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Fwd: FW: Where does your gas come from.]
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2002 11:53:42 -0600
From: <lynnehardy at tds.net>
To: jkkelly1 at pacbell.net, ldougal at attbi.com, ahardy at bates.edu, mosh2059 at carolina.rr.com, mikeleisher at aol.com, bjamieson at gci.net, nhpga at totalnetnh.net, Barb91788 at aol.com, local375 at alaska.com, fsjrh3 at uaf.edu, blumej at umich.edu, chrishardy at tds.net, dpurpura at theglobal.net, alaskaroadrunner at pocketmail.com, goonerga at bellsouth.net, phaggland at yahoo.com, acb46 at columbia.edu
> From: "Wright, Angela"
> Date: 2002/11/12 Tue AM 09:03:39 CST
> Subject: FW: Where does your gas come from.
> The following makes sense, why not give it a try. We
buy most of our
> gasoline in Mexico and MEXICO buys NO petroleum
from other countries.
> Every time you fill up the car, you can avoid putting
more money into the
> coffers of Saudi Arabia. Just buy from gas companies
that don't import their
> oil from the Saudis. Nothing is more frustrating than
the feeling that every
> time I fill-up
> the tank, I am sending my money to people who are
trying to kill me, my
> family, and my friends. I thought it might be interesting
for you to know
> which oil companies are the best to buy gas from.
> Major companies that import Middle Eastern oil (for
the period 9/1/00 -
> 8/31/01).
> > Shell................ 205,742,000 barrels
> >
; Chevron/Texaco....... 144,332,000 barrels
> > Exxon /Mobil......... 130,082,000 barrels
> > Marathon............. 117,740,000 barrels
> > Amoco................ 62,231,000 barrels
> If you do the math at $30/barrel, these imports
amount to over $18
> Here are some large companies that do not import
Middle Eastern oil:
> Citgo 0 barrels
> Sunoco 0 barrels
> Conoco 0 barrels
> Sinclair 0 barrels
> BP/Phillips 0 barrels
> Hess 0 barrels
> All of this information is available from the
Department of Energy and can
> be easily documented. Refineries located in the U.S.
are required to state
> where they get their oil and how much they are
importing. They report on a
> monthly basis.
> Keep this list in your car; share it with friends. Stop
paying for
> terrorism.
> But to have an impact, we need to reach literally
millions of gas buyers.
> It's really si
mple to do!
> Now, don't wimp out at this point...keep reading and
I'll explain how simple
> it is to reach millions of people!
> I'm sending this note to about thirty people. If each of
you send it to at
> least ten more (30 x 10 = 300)... and those 300 send
it to at least ten more
> (300 x 10 = 3,000) .. and so on, by the time the
message reaches the sixth
> generation of people, we will have reached ! over
THREE MILLION consumers!
> If those three million get excited and pass this on to
ten friends each,
> then 30 million people
> will have been contacted! If it goes one level further,
you guessed it.....
> Again, all you have to do is send this to 10 people.
> How long would all that take? If each of us sends this
e-mail out to ten
> more people within one day of receipt, all 300
MILLION people could
> conceivably be contacted within the next 8 days!!!
> Notice: Since e-mail messages sent between you
and A.G. Edwards &
> Sons, Inc. ("AGE") and its employees are transmitted
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such risks,
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with AGE. Although
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AGE employee,
> other AGE employees may review such messages.
Additionally, your
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undelivered. AGE
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> instructions through e-mail messages.
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