[Alberg30] Varnishing the Interior

Dave Terrell DTERRELL at message.nmc.edu
Wed Dec 31 11:52:01 PST 2003

Earlier this year I asked you for your views on the merits of varinish
vs oil on the interior of the boat. I appreciated all your

Today I spoke with a representative at Epifanes. I thought others might
be interested in what  he said. Here it  is

Assuming the interior has no varnish on it and the teak has not been
oiled for a while - last spring for me, 

1. Wipe the wood down with denatured alcohol  to the clean it off.

2. Give the wood a light sanding with 320 sand paper.

3. Wipe the wood down with denatured alcohol a second time.

4. Apply a coat of gloss varnish (wood finish gloss) thinned at 50-50

5. Apply a second coat of gloss varnish thinned by 35 %

6. Apply a third coat of gloss varnish thinned by 15-20%

7. Apply a coat of gloss varnish - full strength.

If you want a rubbed effect look, apply two additional coats of matte
varnish ( Wood Finish Matte).

If you use these varnishes you do not have to sand between coats if you
recoat within 72 hours.

It is best if the varnish be applied when the ambient temperature is
above 55 F. If one needs to work in colder conditions, it is ok to warm
the varnish ( place the can in some warm water or bring your electric
heater to the boat and warm the whole place up). Wear an appropriate
mask - don't breath in the fumes.

I sounds like a manageable job to me.

I hope this is useful to some of you.

Happy New Year.

David - Talisman - 432.
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