[Alberg30] How do I back this boat?

Brian and Elaine Timmins timmins at optonline.net
Sun Dec 28 15:07:11 PST 2003

  I always found that the bow would fall off downwind (if there was wind).
Other than that, once you get the boat moving in reverse, take it out of
gear and drift backwards. The rudder will work better. In close quarters,
keep a fender handy.
Regards and Happy New Year,
Brian     ex#497
P.S.  I recently moved up to a 39' 23500lbs FULL keel cutter. It's even
harder to control in reverse

 |                This Old Boat by Don Casey                     |
 | http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0071579931/alberg30-20 |

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