[Alberg30] How do I back this boat?

J Bergquist j at ship.saic.com
Mon Dec 29 15:27:32 PST 2003


I find that the best way to back my alberg is to maintain a flexible
approach that allows me to change plans quickly depending on which way
the stern decides to walk. I've concluded that if all other factors were
irrelevant, the boat would consistently back to port based on the
direction of propeller rotation and the inflow characteristics created
by the rudder held on centerline. However, there are a number of other
factors of relevance in determining which way the stern will walk. They
include, but are not limited to the following:

1. Wind speed and direction
2. current speed and direction
3. fouling on hull, propeller, and rudder
4. Magnitude and direction of forces applied by line handlers in pushing
the boat away from the dock.
5. Rudder angle.

If you could come up with a consistent way to tell me in which direction
and at what rate my boat would swing during backing, based on the above
5 factors, I will be amazed. Heck, if you could even give me a
consistent method for resolving the above factors into one resultant
force magnitude and direction, I'd be amazed. Until I see the method for
doing that, I'm going to continue backing as if I'm not certain in which
direction the boat will swing. It's worked pretty well up till now... 

Also, I find that the best way to do anything with my boat in proximity
to the dock, other boats, or any solid objects of appreciable mass is

Kind regards, and good luck getting accustomed to your boat's backing
characteristics! I think it's more art than science, to be honest...

J Bergquist
"Calliope" #287

-----Original Message-----
From: public-list-bounces at alberg30.org
[mailto:public-list-bounces at alberg30.org] On Behalf Of Tim Erwin
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2003 2:42 PM
To: Alberg 30 public list
Subject: Re: [Alberg30] How do I back this boat?

Thanks for your reply. One of the responders, Michael I believe,
confused me even more. He is right, the prop turns clockwise in forward.
It turns counter clockwise in reverse therefore. So really in reverse
the tendency should be to walk to port. Makes perfect sense to me. Now
that I realize this, I'm really confused because the boat will make a
reverse circle to starboard. You mentioned wind being a factor but she
does it with no wind. 

 I know that I will figure it out eventually, Thanks, Tim
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