[Alberg30] How do I back this boat?
Jim Davis
a30240 at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 31 17:18:51 PST 2003
For backing into a slip a couple tricks I use. Since the boat swings to port when I start to back, I try to come in along the line of pilings (perpendicular to the slip) and at the correct moment turn hard right away from the slip. At this point I back hard while keeping the rudder over for a right turn. The prop walk continues my swing, kills forward motion and starts me into the slip. If I have missjudged my approach I can go ahead and start over. It is a matter of practice and getting used to your boat. You might want to take an empty gallon jug and anchor it out in a creek to practice on. Just manuver up to it in a bunch of different ways, foreward and backing.
Note I have a six foot bowsprit and unless there is a real long finger pier I have to back in.
Jim Davis
S/V Isa Lei
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