[Alberg30] Bukh 10 diesel

R.C. Alley ralley at chesapeake.net
Fri Jan 3 08:52:32 PST 2003

MessageMr. W:  I cannot address the Bukh specifically--but you should be able to get information on the engine itself; a power curve diagram may be useful in comparing with other engines.  You can also determine if the engine was sold for other purposes and "marinized" for marine use. My Universal M-18 is actually a Kubota tractor engine, which is also regularly used to power refrigeration and AC units--so parts for the non-marine bits are relatively cheaper. Most of the other engines on the market are the same, because the marine auxiliary market is not large enough by itself to sustain an engine manufacturer.

I can tell you that most of the smaller diesels in Albergs appear to me to leave the boats underpowered, able to push the boat not much more than 6kts in calm water, and much less than that in anything bouncy. This can perhaps be jiggered a bit by propeller reconfigurations, but the gains will be mostly marginal.

Most recent repowerings here in the Chesapeake have tended toward higher horsepower engines, and the owners appear to be happy with the results. The cost of the additional horsepower--if you are repowering anyway--is not prohibitively high per unit. You might work into your calculations what you could get for the Bukh engine in a trade for a new diesel, or a used one of higher horsepower.

That said, the more important question is how you intend to use the boat--if all you'll do is get off the dock, go round the buoys, and come home,10 horses may be enough.  Extended cruising requires, in my opinion, more power than 10 horses. Parts for a well maintained diesel should be a much smaller concern.

Rob Alley
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Wilson's 
  To: public-list at alberg30.org 
  Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 7:07 PM
  Subject: [Alberg30] Bukh 10 diesel

  Fellow A30ers
  I am interested in purchasing an A30 at somempoint in time and presently have several to look at.  One of them is a '75 with a bukh 10hp diesel engine.  >From my reading it appears that this engine is somewhat underpowered for the boat and difficult to get parts for.  Could those of you who have this engine or who have had one in the past please give me some of your opinions about it.  I don't really want to spend the money to repower the boat. Should I still consider this boat (all other things being equal)?

  Thanks for any and all information and opinions

  Dave Wilson
  London, Ontario Canada
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