[Alberg30] Bukh 10 diesel

Neal Jackson NJackson at npr.org
Mon Jan 6 08:12:55 PST 2003

I would not hesitate to consider the boat.
I have a Yanmar diesel in PEREGRINE, which has horsepower in the low teens
(it's a 3GMF, I seem to recall).  It will kick the boat along on the
Chesapeake in calm to moderate winds at 6 knots.  In a serious head-on blow
that obviously goes down a good bit, but in ten years I have yet to
encounter anything that stopped me completely.  The worst has not been wind
but rather a fast tide through the bridge at Kent Narrows (in MD) but that
just requires attention, care and patience.
But bear in mind that no used boat (and probably no new one either) will be
ideal in all respects.  A bigger engine may be better, but that should
simply be weighed against all of the other strengths and weaknesses in each
boat, and your priorities for features.
Neal Jackson
No. 486

-----Original Message-----
From: Wilson's [mailto:sixwilson at rogers.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 7:07 PM
To: public-list at alberg30.org
Subject: [Alberg30] Bukh 10 diesel

Fellow A30ers
I am interested in purchasing an A30 at somempoint in time and presently
have several to look at.  One of them is a '75 with a bukh 10hp diesel
engine.  >From my reading it appears that this engine is somewhat
underpowered for the boat and difficult to get parts for.  Could those of
you who have this engine or who have had one in the past please give me some
of your opinions about it.  I don't really want to spend the money to
repower the boat. Should I still consider this boat (all other things being
Thanks for any and all information and opinions
Dave Wilson
London, Ontario Canada

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