[Alberg30] Re: Fresh Water Cooled A4

Brian and Elaine Timmins timmins at optonline.net
Fri Jan 10 01:22:46 PST 2003

 Holes in the idea?     No!  It's a good idea. I'm not sure about an
electric raw water pump though, but I don't know why.
   This was on my list of to do's on Free Spirit. I was going to use the
Moyer kit. I'm 90% sure it would have fit without interference (at least the
pulley addition which I assume is your worry). I forget exactly but I think
it needs about 2" in front of the fly wheel cover. My other option was the
Indigo Kit.
It is supposed to fit in the standard footprint of the A4. I used several
Indigo products on Free Spirit and was quite happy with them and the
   If your going to do this, it is important that you get the cooling
passages in the A4 as clean as you possibly can. If you've never done it,
you need to remove the cooling area cover and physically clean that area of
any built up crud (salt deposits, mud, rust flakes, et al). This cover is
the one where the "T" fitting goes into the engine on the stb side.
Brian   ex#497
----- Original Message -----
From: <greeksailor at att.net>
To: <public-list at alberg30.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 9:32 AM
Subject: Fresh Water Cooled A4

> I am thinking of turning my raw water A4 into fresh water cooled A4; I
> some thoughts and would like for the group to asses them.
> Buy a heat exchanger from Moyer Marine $255
> Buy an electric raw water pump $50
> Hoses / hardware $25
> Moyer marine kit costs $515 and it does not fit inside the standard A30
> closure.
> Install exchanger on bulkhead in cockpit locker
> Install electric raw water pump in series with electric fuel pump
> Ok now lets put some holes in this idea.................
> Thank you,
> Christos Katehis
> Kasia #383


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