[Alberg30] NOAA - Free Charts and Readers

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at min.net
Wed Jun 4 07:31:21 PDT 2003

While a little off-topic, I thought this might interest many people on 
the list.

  - George

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [atomic4-list] NOAA Website Update - Free Charts and Readers
Date: Mon, 02 Jun 2003 22:22:14 -0400
From: Bruce Byrnes <bjbsr at byrnesfamily.com>
Reply-To: atomic4-list at sailnet.net
To: atomic4-list at sailnet.net

Below my signature, I've pasted the latest NOAA newsletter. Free S-57 charts
are available at this site
http://ocsdata.ncd.noaa.gov/encdistribution/download.asp and a free reader
is available at http://www.sevencs.com/documents/SeeMyDEnc_9x.exe . Multiple
charts can be loaded and seamlessly scrolled form one to another.
When you download the zipped charts, unzip them all into a single folder.
I've been enjoying these charts for over a year. You can print them also!



'64 Tartan 27

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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Electronic Navigational Chart (NOAA ENC) News

You are receiving this e-mail newsletter automatically from our list server
as a result of submitting this e-mail address for a subscription. If you
have received this e-mail in error or do not wish to receive further
newsletters and announcements, please follow the instructions at the end of
this message to unsubscribe.


Welcome to the second e-mail newsletter for the NOAA ENC[reg] program.  We
hope that you find the following information useful.


NOAA has announced in the Federal Register (May 21, 2003 Volume 68, Number
98) that it will remove the "provisional" status from the NOAA ENCs[reg]
that are distributed, free of charge, on the Internet.  This will take place
at the end of June, 2003.  At that point, a NOAA ENC[reg] will constitute a
"nautical chart" for the purposes of the 1974 International Convention for
the Safety of Life at Sea.  To see the full text of the announcement, please
go to the following web site and search for the text "Electronic
Navigational Chart":



Since NOAA first began releasing NOAA ENCs[reg] on the Web in July of 2001,
over 500,000 cells have been downloaded!  At the end of May, 2003, NOAA will
have 285 cells posted for download covering most of the major port areas of
the United States.  These are provided free of charge.

As of May, 2003, NOAA ENCs[reg] are being updated for Notices to Mariners
and reposted to the Web site on a monthly basis.  In the next few months,
NOAA plans to begin posting incremental update files rather than reposts of
the entire cell.  These updates are small "patch" files that are produced to
meet the International Hydrographic Organization, S-57 ENC Product
Specification.  This means that they will be suitable for use with various
electronic navigation systems that support S-57 data.

We are also pleased to announce that the download site will take on a new
look and feel starting in the next few weeks.  The new download site will
allow you to choose between downloading using the same check off list form
that is currently in use, or to use a map of the U.S. that shows outlines of
the NOAA ENCs[reg] and allows you to graphically select the cells that you
are interested in.  Either method will also allow you to view a simple
thumbnail graphic of each cell to see what area it covers and get additional
metadata such as what Notice to Mariners a cell is up to date through.

For access to free NOAA ENCs[reg], more information about them, as well as
the latest information about compatible software, free data viewers and
other utilities, please visit our Web site at the address below and click on
Electronic Navigational Charts.



NOAA's Office of Coast Survey has recently started a new Web based service
that provides updating information for nautical charts.  This service
provides easy access to chart updates that have been published in United
States Coast Guard (USCG) Local Notice to Mariners (LNM), National Imagery
and Mapping Agency (NIMA) Notice to Mariners (NM) and Canadian Coast Guard
Notice to Mariners (CNM). Chart updates can include information on aids to
navigation changes, hazards to navigation or other information considered
essential for safe navigation, e.g. channel conditions, bridge and cable
clearances, and regulatory changes.  These chart updates reflect the same
information available on the NOAA Print-on-Demand paper charts, the NOAA
raster chart update service, and the NOAA Electronic Navigational Charts
(NOAA ENC[reg]). However, temporary changes to aids to navigation, special
published announcements and other important information affecting
navigational safety are not available on this web site.  So while the site
will be an extremely useful tool for mariners who are updating their
nautical charts, it is not a complete replacement for the published Notices
to Mariners.

The site allows a user to find updates by chart number, geographic name or
port name.  The system will automatically list all updates that are
applicable to the current street edition of the paper chart, with options
for listing corrections for previous editions or to a specific date.

You can find the Chart Update Web Site at this link, click on Chart Updates:


"NOAA ENC" is a registered trademark of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric


To find out more about NOAAs Office of Coast Survey, visit our Website at

To remove yourself from the list, send a message to
requests at willamette.nos.noaa.gov with subject "Unsubscribe encnews". Your
name will be removed from the list of subscribers. You will no longer
receive any posts, and will not be allowed to post to that address.

   Hope your road is a long one.                        George Dinwiddie
   May there be many summer mornings when,       gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
   with what pleasure, what joy,                 http://www.Alberg30.org
   you enter harbors you're seeing for the first time;
                                            from 'Ithaka' by C.P. Cavafy

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