Yves Parenteau yves at epcga.com
Tue May 27 07:35:30 PDT 2003

The reason for my concern about  the engine is that I don't want to spend
more time than I have to when I'm doing passages of several weeks... The way
I see this is that I have 3 major things to worry about as far as the boat
is concern.  Power, energy and facilities. In order for me to do this I need
to be able to rely on a good engine and the one that's in there right now is
very tired. I need to address this issue, and I feel that my 10hp is a bit
small.  Right now I thinks I get about 1 hour on 1 litre for 5 knots, If I
use 4 knots and 8 days * 24hours =192 litres *4knots = 768 knots. So around
50 gallons of fuel. But my 1 litre per hour could be all wrong, I haven't
had a chance to figure it out.

Sails, well right now I have a 150% genoa northsail that is in fearly good
shape....will be a good back up, I have a brand new DRS and 2 main. One of
the main as been cut to the first reefing point. I will overize my rigging
to 7mm and re enforce the base of the mast.

I am thinking about installing a wind generator and a solar panel. If I can
find a spot a 12v watermaker that gives me 1 gal per hour, if not a manual
portable one. Instruments...GPS, VHF, AM
and satelite cel phone.

I am considering propane for cooking, between my BBQ and and stove top I
should be fine.  Aluminium tanks on top of the lazarette is what I'm
thinking of right now. Fridge freezer...ice box or nothing....I haven't
crossed that bridge yet, but any feed back would be appreciated.

I met Yves Gelinas back in February before buying Chewan #626, I figured if
someone could convince me that an A30 can do this it would be him.  He is a
very nice man and only had encouragment for me.  I will be installing his
self steering system Cape Horn.  He told me that the only alterations for my
journey would be oversizing the rigging and re enforcing the base of the
mast.  He pulled his engine out for is cicumnavigation for more space.  He
now has a small outboard attached to the side for when he really needs it.
Also advised me to be able to generate enough amps per hour to run gps and

So has you can see, we have decided to go ahead with this before xmas and we
now have 2 years to prepare ourselves.  I've lined up already Power
Squadron, coastal navigation, weather and charts and plotting for the fall
and winter.  I am at looking into my amateur radio licence. I've paid 30K
for Chewan and have about 20k to prepare her for this journey, so we will
have to make sacrifices, and we will cut on comfort before safety.

My wife and I don't have much spare time these days, but one thing is for
sure when May 2005 comes around we are heading at sea.



P.S. I do keep all the e-mails you guys send me and appreciate all of your
advises.  I have a great deal to learn from you guys, as I'm sure most of
you are experienced sailors and have owned  A30 for a long time.  Keep in
mind that I am new at this and if what I'm thinking of altering or replacing
on the boat seems ridiculous, don't hesitate to tell me.

 |                This Old Boat by Don Casey                     |
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