[Alberg30] Sails and Hatches

Tom Sutherland sutherlandt at prodigy.net
Sat May 31 12:56:20 PDT 2003

I would definitely agree with this. 

Have you considered making new ones from teak or mahogany ,,, or having
them made?

Tom S
A-30  #412

Christos Katehis wrote:

 Changing the hatches to Aluminum will rob some of the A30 original beauty.
> I bought an A30 in April and she needs sails. I have checked Bacons and will
> visit there when I travel to the Bay in June.   Do any of you A30 owners
> plan to buy new sails this season or next (I have a roller ferruling
> headsail) of know of any other sources I should try?  I am concentrating on
> crusing for now and hope to get a fairly heavy main with two (or even three)
> reef pionts.
> I would also like to replace the forward hatch, and perhaps the Lazarette
> hatch, with aluminum hatches.  Any advice on how to do and sources fro used
> hatches?
> Thanks,
> Roger Kingsland
> Mahina Manu, A30 #184
>  +---------------------------------------------------------------+
>  |                This Old Boat by Don Casey                     |
>  | http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0071579931/alberg30-20 |
>  +---------------------------------------------------------------+
 |                This Old Boat by Don Casey                     |
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