[Alberg30] OCS

J Bergquist j at ship.saic.com
Sun May 4 15:25:59 PDT 2003

OCS stands for "On Course Side" which means that the yacht was on the 
course side of the starting line when the gun fired. When this happens, 
a horn is sounded after the gun, and the yacht's sail number is called 
over the radio.

As far as the case in question goes, I was aboard Lin-Gin (#244) just 
behind Towney at the start, and they apparently were over the line. Our 
strategy was to stay just behind them and try not to be over, and we 
managed to really nail it on that start. I guess TC was over too, but I 
couldn't see him. I didn't see an "I" flag (which would have meant that 
Towney would have to go around one of the ends of the line to start 
legally), so he should have been able to just dip below the line to 
clear and then start the race normally. We thought he did this, but I 
guess the RC didn't think so...


J Bergquist
Calliope #287

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