[Alberg30] Fw: wisdom from ole Capt Jack

Brian and Elaine Timmins timmins at optonline.net
Thu May 15 17:01:51 PDT 2003

saw this on a former sailing buddies web page:

How to Race a Sailboat 

  1.. Call nine friends Friday night, have them all meet you at your house at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow, sharp. 
  2.. Have your friends clean your house. 
  3.. After the house is clean,  everyone wraps themselves in plastic from head to toe. 
  4.. All ten of you cram together into the bathtub. Turn the shower on cold. 
  5.. While yelling and swearing at the top of your voice, tear up $100 bills. Do this for six hours. 
  6.. At the end of the 6 hours, everyone gets out of the tub and walks around the house, dripping wet. 
  7.. Have all your friends clean your house again, then take them all out for dinner. 
  8.. Invite them to come back next weekend and do it all again. 


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