[Alberg30] spinnaker and spinnaker pole

Hiesener, Michael hiesenerm at stripes.osd.mil
Mon May 26 08:00:05 PDT 2003

During the race to the Miles River this weekend....2 issues developed

1. A previously repaired end fitting on our spinnaker pole failed...It had
been repaired a long time ago ....I did expect this repaired end fitting to
fail at some point.  This leaves us with a dilemma...our pole is a 2" in
diameter.  should be just buy a new end fitting for $75 or track down a used
pole that is 2 1/2" or 3" in diameter?  what are others using?  has anyone
had a pole fail of any diameter?

2.  Our spinnaker is toast...it is an old design that performed very poorly
in the light winds.  Bacon's does not appear to have anything in stock at
this time.  Does anyone have a used tri-radial chute in OK condition that
they would be willing to sell?  

Thanks for your responses

Mike Hiesener
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