[Alberg30] Hull Painting

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
Tue May 13 06:50:38 PDT 2003

I don't have all your answers, but I'll try with what I know.

Randy Weatherspoon wrote:
> I am getting ready to undertake painting my hull--
> Question-- total hull from keel to the deck -- how many square feet
> or gallons per coat -- looking at interlux -- also not knowing what
> the previous paint system was-- what about compatability problems if
> any ?

I would call Interlux and ask them about compatability.

> Question -- for bottom paint - antifouling -- how many square feet or
> gallons per coat

I find it takes from 1 to 1.5 gallons to put two coats on the bottom.
It depends on how thick it goes on.  As the day goes on, the paint gets
thicker.  I think it's best to add a little thinner as you go along,
keeping the paint more consistent.  Sometimes, though, I get in a hurry.

> Question --the previous owner had done some repairs with West System
> Epoxy where the boat had rubbed against the pier--- in looking at
> various fairing compounds-- they say not to use on epoxy-- what shoul
> I use ?

This is one reason I recommend against using epoxy for general repairs.
Interlux makes an epoxy-based fairing compound.  Take a look at
U.S. Paint makes Awl-Fair (http://www.uspaint.com/83.html).

> Question - on spider cracking on the deck-- especially at the
> lifeline stanchion bases-- can this be painted with awlgrip or does
> it require a more aggressive solution? -- also if this is only the
> gel coat can damage occure to deck core?

Paint will not permanently seal cracks.  I'd suggest widening them with
a sharpened churchkey and filling with epoxy putty prior to painting.
At the stanchion bases it's probably more than just gelcoat cracks.
Proabaly you can wiggle the deck by pulling on the top of the stanchion,
and there's some delamination inside.  There's probably also no backing

BTW, if you're planning to use awlgrip, study up on the health hazards
before you do so.  It's very toxic.  You can find the MSDS at
http://www.uspaint.com/ghtopcoatleadfree.doc for a starting point, but
it won't tell you how to avoid being poisoned.  Other two-part
polyurethanes are similar in nature.  Be very careful and stay healthy.

> PS On the stuffing box  ---could you use pipe wrenches-- or one at
> least?

I wouldn't.  The pipe wrench teeth might chew up the stuffing box.
Also, there's limited turning space.  There's several suggestions at

  - George

   Hope your road is a long one.                        George Dinwiddie
   May there be many summer mornings when,       gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
   with what pleasure, what joy,                 http://www.Alberg30.org
   you enter harbors you're seeing for the first time;
                                            from 'Ithaka' by C.P. Cavafy

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