[Alberg30] Yanmar 2GM20F Installation -- Siphon Break

Tom Sutherland sutherlandt at prodigy.net
Tue May 13 07:09:26 PDT 2003

Calvin ... According to the line drawings of the Alberg 30 the water
line appears to dissect the inboard engine. If you have ever noticed the
sink drain hose (if yours is clear) that level of water is where the
waterline is inside your boat. If your boat is out of the water and
setting fairly level you can take a length of clear hose and tape it to
the outside of the hull. Now run the end either up through an open
through hull or in through the shaft opening if your shaft is removed
and then bring it up on the inside of the boat in the area of the engine
compartment. Now pour water in the hose until it comes up to the
waterline on the outside of the boat (you can adjust the hose when you
get close) I am sure you know by now where I am going with this. You now
have effectively transferred your waterline to the inside of the boat.

Keep in mind that when the boat heels the upper portion of the engine
will go further toward of below the waterline.

I too will be installing a new diesel in my A-30 in a few weeks and will
be confronted with these same issues. It is my inclination at this time
that a water siphon will be necessary or at least a good idea. I may be
calling on this list for some specific advice as to the actual installation.

Tom S
Voyager Toronto wrote:
> Yanmar installation notes I've seen call for placement of a siphon break
> between the engine manifold and the water injection point on the exhaust if
> the engine is installed "below the waterline". The same advice is given in
> Nigel Calder's book. The goal is to prevent backflow of water into the
> engine. Can anyone say if the 2GM20F installs above or below the waterline
> in an Alberg (...how would one determine this)? Any advice as to whether a
> siphon break is necessary, and how to install one?
> Calvin, Voyager #30
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