[Alberg30] Knee hull separation
George Dinwiddie
gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
Thu May 15 08:02:14 PDT 2003
I would fix it prior to the trip. On some boats, the knee doesn't seem
to reach all the way up to the deck. Having a gap there allows the
chainplate to apply leverage against the lower end. From the looks of
the first picture, it appears that there may have been water
infiltration at some time, also.
Towney did a similar job on his boat. As I recall, he fashioned new
knees or extended the current ones, so he had a longer bond to the hull
as well as filling the gap between the knee and hull.
- George
Alfredo wrote:
> Dear List,
> This past weekend I was working on Free Spirit’s chainplates,
> increasing the bolt size in preparation for a Bermuda trip at the end
> of June. When I noticed some separation form the forward starboard knee
> and the hull. On the port side it was flush against the hull. On Kasia
> # 383 it’s also flush. I had noticed before but didn’t give it much
> thought, until Saturday when I was up and close to it. Has anyone
> noticed anything like it on his or her boats? Should I be concern? How
> would one go about remedying this?
> I expect to be pounded by the seas on the way to Bermuda and would like
> to arrive with the mast standing tall, flying the Association’s
> pendant.
Hope your road is a long one. George Dinwiddie
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