[Alberg30] Packing nut/seal for prop shaft

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
Wed May 21 11:28:53 PDT 2003

Hansen, Richard D LTC Student wrote:
> Sunspur has been out of water for 6 months.
> Packing seal (proper term?) to prop shaft was OK/fine when it left water.
> Will that seal deteriorate out of water such that I should change it
> absolutely?  Or do the seals perform after hiatus from water?

It should be fine.

> Another prop shaft question.  I moved a rotten "donut" from between the prop
> and hull.  2 semi-circle donuts screwed together at edges.  What is that and
> must I replace and if so West Marine #?

That's the zinc.  You should replace that once a year, more or less 
depending on how fast it corrodes, to prevent the corrosion from eating 
up your prop.

  - George

   Hope your road is a long one.                        George Dinwiddie
   May there be many summer mornings when,       gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
   with what pleasure, what joy,                 http://www.Alberg30.org
   you enter harbors you're seeing for the first time;
                                            from 'Ithaka' by C.P. Cavafy

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