[Alberg30] Bottom Paint

Kevin Blanc t.k.blanc at att.net
Wed May 21 17:55:16 PDT 2003

Let me tell you how we did it. It was the easiest sanding job we ever 
did (and I've done it too many times).

Get a big bucket of water. Buy a drywall sanding pad, the kind that 
attaches to a broom handle or a pole. Buy the pole, too. Buy the 
roughest grit drywall sanding screen they sell. I think it's 60 grit. It 
might be 80.

Wet the pad in the bucket. Sand. Notice how quickly it's coming off, how 
little dust there is, and how clean you sinuses still are, and how much 
control you have over depth of cut. Dip and repeat. If you want to be 
really environmentally conscious, spread some plastic or paper under 
your work. Let the water evaporate off  and toss out the plastic with 
the paint residue on it.

If I hadn't seen a guy at the marina do this just as I was firing up my 
Porter Cable orbital last year, I wouldn't have believed it. I bought 
the drywall sanding stuff and we did the hull, mostly while while 
standing comfortably, in a very easy afternoon. Only the turn of the 
hull is tricky, and even that was pretty easy.

Hansen, Richard D LTC Student wrote:

>Should have sent this earlier.
>After 6 months on the hard, I've power washed the bottom hull.  
>Some of the 2 year old ablative paint has flaked off in small and big
>patches.  Questions on how best to proceed with new bottom paint.
>1. Orbital sander with 60 to feather bare patches & overall bottom? OR
>2. Buy glass friendly paint remover and remove all old ablative?  If so,
>will standard LOA X ? formula work for qty of paint remover?  Does this get
>too messy?  Easy or hard? Any value to leaving old ablative on the hull as
>protective layers? etc.
>3. Other suggestions not covered in This Old Boat?
>I'm not a racer and looking to balance effort/time with results.  Thanks.  
> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
> |                This Old Boat by Don Casey                     |
> | http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0071579931/alberg30-20 |
> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
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 |                This Old Boat by Don Casey                     |
 | http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0071579931/alberg30-20 |

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