[Alberg30] a tip from the Atomic 4 list

Tom Sutherland sutherlandt at prodigy.net
Mon May 26 09:40:55 PDT 2003

I have used this method and it does work. At least it worked fine for
the duration of several months which was when I needed it. One thing I
did which I thought might help was to place tube in a couple of
"newspaper bags" with a tight knot tied in the end after all of the air
was squeezed out.

Another trick I like to use "newspaper bags" for is to stick my funnels
in the bag and tie a knot in the end after use in oil or fuel. This will
keep dust from getting all over and into the funnel so it is ready for
use when you need it. Try it ... you will like it!

The Sunday bags work for pretty large funnels.

Tom S
A-30 No. 412

George Dinwiddie wrote:
> I rarely get a chance to re-use a tube of 5200 (or 4200) because it
> hardens in the tube.  I just recently saw this tip, and thought it
> sounded good enough to pass along.  Since 5200 and 4200 are activated by
> moisture, this sounds believable to me.
>  > Store 5200 in the freezer to keep it from hardening after opening
>  > the tube (no joke, I was told this by the guy who owns the marina
>  > I keep my boat at).
>   - George
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