Kevin Blanc
t.k.blanc at att.net
Wed May 28 16:36:20 PDT 2003
This is exactly the scenario that would have me clamoring for a good,
reliable engine!
Gordon LACO wrote:
>Hello again -
>You may be interested in our average daily runs under sail... Sint Maarten
>to Bermuda is about 980 miles and we did it in 9 days... a 108 or 109 mile
>per day average including one day becalmed is pretty good. the Bermuda to
>New York passage took us 5 1/2 days - we romped the first three days doing
>150, 170 and 165 each day then slowed down at the end. We ended up creeping
>in past Sandy Hook in fog and in the dark with ships roaring in and out past
>us. Due to the engine being dead our batteries were flat so we were quite
>concerned about being run down. We stayed on a course between the in and
>outbound ship lanes hoping that in avoiding eachother they would miss us.
>As soon as we got past the entrance we got into shallow water for
> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
> | This Old Boat by Don Casey |
> | http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0071579931/alberg30-20 |
> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
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| This Old Boat by Don Casey |
| http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0071579931/alberg30-20 |
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