[Alberg30] Dinghies

quest433 at msn.com quest433 at msn.com
Thu May 29 15:18:53 PDT 2003

Like most subjects that get kicked around on the list the Dinghy-management-while-underway thing has no consensus single solution--everyone has their way which of course is the best.  Here's what I've been able to glean over the years:
The Alberg's got a short waterline and towing a dighy slows it down 1/2 kt or about an hour of additional transit time for an 8 to 10 hours passage.  If your doing this day in and day out it makes sense to get the boat out of the water.  Or you can use the Mike Lehman solution: repower with a 30 hp unit--he can make up the speed loss with a few more rpms.   
There were a number of boats on the Chesapeake that built wood davits that got the dinghy out of the way.  I made a pair, in fact still have a pair out in the shed.  Bud Dobler used his all the time.  I say they were very effective--but I'm sure someone will nay it.   
Today I have a RIB and I haven't learned all the shortcomings.  I was out in about a 30 knot blow one day and was towing about 30' feet back and the wind picked it up and flipped it.  So I towed it close to the boat--maybe 2' back.  Next when we altered course with the wind more on the beam the boat flew up and then down and sounded just like a whale.  This pulled the D-rings right out.  Now the dighy's adrift and I've got to gybe around and chase after it.  Caught it on the 2nd pass but that's only because I had a gorilla for crew that day.  If it had been the wife it would have been time for a new dink.  The lesson here is that in a blow the boat come aboard and is deflated and stowed--that's the advantage.
This is what I got on dingy's

Jim Mennucci

----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Amos
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 3:37 PM
To: public-list at alberg30.org
Subject: [Alberg30] Dinghies

If I store the dinghy in front of the mast it is in the way for anchoring or any  foredeck work.If I store it behind the mast it makes the vang unuseable.Has any cruiser found a solution with either an inflateable or hard dinghy  excluding davits?
Peter Amos
Tait Tait #478
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