[Alberg30] standing rigging, and hatches

Matthew Hay haymatthew_ at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 16 07:56:58 PST 2003

I have owned my Alberg for two years and have addressed and fixed many of 
the systems.  But I have done nothing (or even really looked at) the 
standing rigging.  This year I stepped the mast when I hauled out.  What 
problematic signs should I look for in my chain plates or standing rigging 
while I have the mast down?  I was thinking, I should disassemble and look 
at the different parts of the stainless rigging and chain plates?  For all I 
know it is the original standing rigging.  Also, has anyone replaced their 
forward hatch with a manufactured hatch?  I have been looking at Lewmar and 
was thinking about using them for the forward and lazzerette hatches.  If 
anyone has done this, I would be interested in the size and model# that you 
used, and if you used a regular or mid or low profile hatch, and flange or 
no flange?
thank you very much,
Matt #314

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