[Alberg30] Interior woods

Don Campbell dk.campbell at sympatico.ca
Fri Nov 21 07:15:42 PST 2003

I have just read the June/July 2003  issue of Professional Boat Builder
and there is a 50 foot steel sailing vessel in that issue that has the
interior of maple. However it is a maple veneer so it will not be heavy,
and by the way, the overhead panels in this boat are held in place by
Velcro (TM)! The boat is owned by the builder, a custom manufacturer in
British Columbia, called Waterline Yachts. Sorry to have conveyed the
impression that maple is not used for interiors of boats.

 |                This Old Boat by Don Casey                     |
 | http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0071579931/alberg30-20 |

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