[Alberg30] Companionway Cover

RReitz6289 at aol.com RReitz6289 at aol.com
Tue Nov 25 17:40:11 PST 2003

The companionway cover, sliding piece, on "Dances With Waves" has a wooden 
insert which over the years always gave me difficulty in the winte when she was 
on the hard. Once in the water the cover slid easily. Last summer it was more 
difficult, and now on the hard it would not slide under the permanent cover. 
Screwed to the deckhouse. It appears the water finally got the best of it, made 
it swell to the point of breaking up.
I slid a screwdriver under the one section and it came up easily. I have 
removed about one third of the port side, The starboard section is still firmly 
afixed. I notice approximately eight filler dowels which I will dremel out in 
order to remove the entire piece of what I thought was teak but seems to be a 
plywood layup covered with a veneer.
I picking up the sections, they were between 1 1/4 to 1 1/12 inches wide, 1/2 
inch thick, with a composite between them.
My questions are as follow;
1. Has anyone replaced this section. With what? Other than fibreglass, I like 
the look of wood.
2. Are these teak or mahogany strips with a teak veneer?
3. Is it a Plywood type, teak layup, routed out to allow bending and filled 
with an adhesive composite?
4. What is the composite? I can supply samples to any interested party.

I would appreciate any information supplied.

On a second note I prepared to remove my engine, an Atomic Four, today. I was 
amazed at how easy it was. I would say I put in less than 4 hours, mostly 
spent removing and tagging wires, it is now ready to be lifted out which the yard 
estimates at a couple of hours. Will let you know what really happens. It 
will be shipped to Moyer Marine for re-building. I wrote a few weeks ago about 
how it was frozen fast.

Thanks for the comments on that note also.

Ralph Reitz
Dances With Waves #457
Sea Bright, NJ
 |                This Old Boat by Don Casey                     |
 | http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0071579931/alberg30-20 |

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