[Alberg30] Transom ladder length?

Randy Katz randyk at bertschi.org
Wed Nov 26 09:33:45 PST 2003

Greetings, Folks,
       I have a question about transom ladders, one of which I am shopping
for now.  I've checked out the West Marine G-4 (4 steps) and another
telescoping thing from Pacific Marine Exchange  (in Bellingham, WA.-- a
must-see store for any cheep boater).  They both reach about a foot, maybe
1.5 feet into the water.
    WHAT I'M WONDERING IS whether or not that's really far enough down into
the sea for people to climb out on easily.  I'm guessing that 2 feet under
the surface would really be much better.
    Any thoughts on this?  I'm thinking of it primarily as an emergency aid
for falling overboard, which had damn well better not happen in the first
place, but which cannot be denied as a possibility (if not wearing the
    Other West Marine ladders with longer extensions (5-step and 5 step)
hang down below the surface when folded up, which I fear may negatively
affect my already modest cruising speed.  (It's about 28" from the stern
deck to brine.)

    Would anyone care to suggest another brand or another solution?

    Many thanks!
Randy Katz

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