[Alberg30] Winter project questions

Michael dickdurk at intercom.net
Mon Nov 10 04:10:54 PST 2003

>It seems that the movement at the bottom of the rudder >was wear on the
rudder fitting and not the pin or shoe

I'm not folowing that. The pin that goes into the shoe at the bottom of the
keel on my boat (and our boats are of the same era-there does seem to be
some variation here) is actually a threaded bolt screwed vertically upwards
into the bottom of the rudder-with the head of the bolt cut off. What it
screws into is bronze round stock-I used 1" drive shaft when replacing mine
years ago. Anyway, there should be no movement where you describe. Movement
there is why I had to replace that bronze roundstock...

For what it is worth, the rudder does come off readily, once you get past
the idea of whacking it with a big grinder to see where all the bolts are
(the top of the rudder is attached to the rudder stock with big slotted
screw machine bolts counter sunk into the stock).

Michael Grosh

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