[Alberg30] Atomic 4

Brian and Elaine Timmins timmins at optonline.net
Mon Nov 10 20:01:56 PST 2003

   Moyer is a wonderful source of parts, knowledge, or rebuilding services.
He was originally located in the Harrisburg area of Pa, but I think he's
relocated to somewhere on the Eastern Shore.
   In the past, he has given classes in maintaining, servicing, and
rebuilding the A4. He has a manual that is probably better and certainly
more up to date than the Universal manuals.
   I think that if you are going to stay with an A4, you should get to know
Moyer Marine (as well as Indigo Electronics, Hess's marine service and a few
others) Definately follow George's advice and join the atomic 4 list at
sailnet. It is a very active list with lots of very knowledgeable members.
(possibly more active than this wonderfully active A30 list)
Brian    ex#497

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