[Alberg30] For your consideration

R C Alley ralley at chesapeake.net
Sun Nov 30 19:02:24 PST 2003

Don Campbell wrote:

>    George is not normally in a position to say what is below. I seem to
>be able to put my foot into my mouth and then just keep changing  feet.
>    I know sailors like to harvest the wind since it is free. Just think
>how old your sails are! Sailors often  think everything else should be
>free too. However, sometimes it is best to pay a little and get a good
>value for your dollar.
>    It is getting close to the end of the year again and that means
>membership renewal time  for both the Chesapeake and Great Lakes  Alberg
>Associations. This public list is maintained  and paid for thanks to the
>Chesapeake Bay Alberg 30 One-Design Association, Inc. Most of the advice
>for repairs, construction, and parts locations come from members of one
>or both of these Associations. Neither are very expensive to join.
>Membership requirements are not overwhelming, even if you are on the
>executive of either Association.
>   The information and help you receive from this list is well worth a
>contribution of $50.00 a year even if you are never able to participate
>in the sailing program, but that will surprise you too, considering the
>distance these associations try to reach. For those of you who are not
>yet members of either Association, it is now time to join one  to
>1.) an organisation that maintains a class boat that you own,  now
>considered a Classic,
>2.)  sites like this one with access to people who have done the job
>themselves and will help you through it saving you time and money well
>beyond membership dues,  and
>3.) to become part of  the Alberg family.
>Contact George Dinwiddie through this list for the CBAODA or Taylor
>Echlin at  echlin at interlog.com      for the Great Lakes Alberg
> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
> |                This Old Boat by Don Casey                     |
> | http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0071579931/alberg30-20 |
> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
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I think it about impossible to say anything more cogent on the subject.  
I would add that some in the Chesapeake belong to both Associations, and 
benefit immeasurably from the efforts of the members of both.  I am not 
sure that it is possible to have much more fun sailing than against our 
Canadian friends, on their own waters.  I found it, I must say, a 
wonderful experience in 2002, and look forward to it again in 2004.

You should join one or the other of the organizations simply because 
they are the single greatest strength and support of the boat that you 
sail and love. Join both the Chesapeake Bay Alberg 30 One Design 
Association and the Great Lakes Alberg Association if you can.  You will 
join families with common goals and common interests.  I can write 
without fear of contradiction that when you join, you will never, ever, 
regret your action.

Rob Alley

 |                This Old Boat by Don Casey                     |
 | http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0071579931/alberg30-20 |

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