[Alberg30] Re. Full Enclosure.

Maggie Ross nauticallyyours-maggie at sympatico.ca
Fri Oct 24 06:32:07 PDT 2003

"Yves Parenteau" <yves at epcga.com> wrote:
> As anyone ever thought about a full enclosure for an A30? I know the boom
> and the traveler makes it really hard but I was jsut wondering if anyone
> ever attempted.  I realize that I could not be standing up while the

No need not to stand up on any boat with a bimini, Yves.

We have an acquaintance who made a hard dodger and enclosure and can't stand up in the cockpit. Trouble was, he didn't have the mainsail shortened at the leech by raising the clew and tapering the foot back to the tack - without moving the tack of the boom. The little sail area you'll loose won't be noticeable - if you were racing, you probably won't be considering this anyway as it would probably impact on the class rule.

This is a simple modification which I've done many times. Measure the difference of where the clew of the boom now sits off the cockpit floor and where it needs to be with the bimini, allowing a few inches extra inches for sheeting the main down hard. Keep in mind that the forward edge of the bimini that has to clear the boom.

No, I don't make them but have worked on hundreds over the past 23 years.

Fair winds,
Strathgowan, #400.
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