[Alberg30] Isabel

Randy Weatherspoon rlwspoon at earthlink.net
Sun Sep 14 21:22:22 PDT 2003

I hope nobody needs this but just in case -- we prep a lot for hurricanes 
here and thought you might appreciate a few pointers if you haven't already 
thought of them:

Remove all sails and wrap halyards around the mast and bungie
Anything loose is gone or will destroy other things

Narrow slips are a problem -- storm surge !!!!!!! can't be emphasized 
enough --- Catagory 5 calls for a standard 18'-19' surge
As the hurricane hits land say East to West -- the south side is where the 
damage will be and the north side will  see reduce wind and large surge 
  --  but not near as bad as the south --- thats why a narrow slip is a 
problem as you can't put out enough reach to handle the surge without 
rubbing against the dock or piling -- Chaffing? is one of the biggest 

Andrew on the clean side 10 miles away - up the Miami River still saw an 8' 
surge according to those on the river -- even boats hauled were set afloat 
in some cases.  Ones on the south side were found well everywhere --

The wind stripped every leaf off the trees and some parts of Homestead 
where I grew up -- were with out power for months

They had Seals diving on the boats left in the marinas and there were some 
reports behind the scenes that there were a lot more causulties than 
reported---  a friend spoke with one of the Seals --

The old timers here put there boats up in the mangroves --- tie them to the 
mangroves and hope for the best assuming you can't hual out safely

If you live on the water --- nothing you own was designed for what you will 
see ---  consider going inland - the surge kills more than the wind which 
is seldom talked about as much as the wind

Best sight for info is www.nhc.noaa.gov

Good Luck to all and my prayers will be with you 

 |                This Old Boat by Don Casey                     |
 | http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0071579931/alberg30-20 |

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