[Alberg30] Iasbel Aftermath

Roger L. Kingsland rkingsland101 at ksba.com
Fri Sep 19 07:54:06 PDT 2003

Albergers (kielbasa is good too),

Now that she has come and gone, us inlanders would love to hear about how everyone faired.

Roger Kingsland
Chief Financial Officer (AKA, check writer)
Mahina Manu, A30 #148
N40°  29.288'
W79°  54.228'
Author's Disclaimer; This email was produced exclusively by the sender and, in the interest of expediency, without the benefit of editing by others.  The sender, thank goodness, is a much better architect/sailor than speller/editor and, frankly, constantly laments an obvious flaw in "spell check," it does not know what the author is thinking.  Please accept the sender's sincere apologies for any "typos" that may appear in this document.  If present, they are certainly unintended and hopefully do not cloud the message, or spawn any unnecessary lawsuits.

Roger L. Kingsland, AIA
Managing Partner
Kingsland Scott Bauer Associates (KSBA) 
N40° 27' 49"  W79° 57' 59"
3441 Butler Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15201

1(412) 252-1500 X101 - Office & Voice Mail
1(412) 779-5101 - Mobile (no voice mail)
1(412) 252-1510 - Fax

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