[Alberg30] Isabel Aftermath

Horton, Ross G. rhorton at pwcgov.org
Mon Sep 22 08:45:18 PDT 2003

Albergers (kielbasa is good too),
Now that she has come and gone, us inlanders would love to hear about how everyone faired.
Roger Kingsland
Chief Financial Officer (AKA, check writer)
Mahina Manu, A30 #148
Isabel did quite a job at the Quantico Marina on the Potomac.  I am told the airfield recorded gusts of 77 mph with sustained winds in the mid fifties.  The water rose to about 4.5 feet over the main pier and seawall, so it looks as if the storm surge was at least 7 or 8 feet above the level of a spring tide. The floating docks that were replaced earlier this summer had metal pilings at least 8 feet above normal high tide.  From the scrape marks on the pilings it appears that all of the docks floated to about 8 feet and a few came unshipped.  Along the south wall, many of the old floating docks came off their pilings.  All of the docks were substantially damaged and some are missing completely.  Many boats have at least cosmetic damage, one is sunk in her slip, and at least four or five more have sufficient damage that they are likely to be totaled.  One old Rhodes sailboat that had been tied to the North side of the pier was torn off and ended up high and dry in the adjacent Quantico Town Park with her wooden mast broken by the trees.  The Quantico Yacht Club facility was flooded and is totally destroyed.  A 28 foot Bayliner was torn from its trailer and thrown into the clubhouse.  (It floated out again.)  This impact and wave action moved the structure off its foundation.  Of the three Albergs at Quantico, only Delphi suffered some minor cosmetic damage to her stem. The wind and wave action in the marina was sufficient to stretch doubled ½ inch spring lines over 2 ½ feet. It is nothing that a bit of glass and epoxy won't cure, and now I have an excuse to paint the topsides.  These boats are tough.
Ross Horton
Delphi, #40
 |                This Old Boat by Don Casey                     |
 | http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0071579931/alberg30-20 |

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