[Alberg30] Any Genoas? Any ballast

lfinkenberg lfinkenberg at nyc.rr.com
Tue Sep 30 09:13:19 PDT 2003

Does anyone have a genoa I can purchase?

Any ideas for ballast - over the years I've taken so much crap off Gypsy
that she floats probably 3 or 4 inches above the waterline.  Besides gaining
some weight, inviting heavier friends out, storing 100s of feet of anchor
chain and more beer onboard - where does one get ballast.

Gypsy when I bought her from my sister was called Shante Gypsy (pronounced
Shawn-tay)- but when I sailed with her we called her (Shan tee - b/c of all
the stuff on board) - in renaming I simply scrapped off Shante. I think the
original owner called her Gypsy but not sure.

Linc, Oyster Bay.
Gypsy 138

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