[Alberg30] Paint Prep Advice

Gordon LACO mainstay at csolve.net
Mon Sep 22 04:42:25 PDT 2003

Hi there - 

I have developed some preferences for filler during my wooden boat days...
and carried some over to the Alberg.

For major fairing and deep scratches I use West epoxy filled to a paste with
with their recommended white filler (once I used Coffee Mate and it worked
very well).   Epoxy is hard to sand though so in the interests of speed I
used auto body filler.

Stop screaming everybody....

It does work well so long as you only use it for minor fairing and in places
where you do not require strength from it.  The best thing about it is the
fact that since you do not have to sand so much to fair it, there is much
less chance that you will damage other areas or go through gel coat.  IE it
is fine to fill scratches and such, but not so good at the hull to deck
where there may be some movement in the future.

#426 Surprise

on 9/22/03 7:04 AM, Roger L. Kingsland at rkingsland101 at ksba.com wrote:

> Albergers,
> I am in the final stages (at least I hope I am) of paint prep for #148 and
> wonder if there is a material I can use as a "fairing compound" to fill in
> areas of undulations in the hull and deck. In some spots I have used the TLR
> ([Tool of Last Resort), my belt sander, and sanded past the gel coat)
> To date I have used some epoxy (mostly to fill the counter sunk holes for the
> 186 SS, 3/16 pop rivets I added to the hull/deck joint) and a bunch of Marine
> Tex.  While strong, Marine Tex is hard to apply with a putty knife (I ended up
> filling scratches using a syringe and creating a ridge which can be sanded
> more easily than a feathered joint).
> Ideally I would like to find a material the consistency of drywall mud that
> would stick to Marine Tex and gel coat and hold up under paint.  I have seen
> gel coat compound in my marina store but it looks like it is just for patching
> scratches.
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Roger Kingsland
> Chief Financial Officer (AKA, check writer)
> Mahina Manu, A30 #148
> N40°  29.288'
> W79°  54.228'
> Author's Disclaimer; This email was produced exclusively by the sender and, in
> the interest of expediency, without the benefit of editing by others.  The
> sender, thank goodness, is a much better architect/sailor than speller/editor
> and, frankly, constantly laments an obvious flaw in "spell check," it does not
> know what the author is thinking.  Please accept the sender's sincere
> apologies for any "typos" that may appear in this document.  If present, they
> are certainly unintended and hopefully do not cloud the message, or spawn any
> unnecessary lawsuits.
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