[Alberg30] Isabel Aftermath

mmeinhold at toadmail.com mmeinhold at toadmail.com
Mon Sep 22 17:14:56 PDT 2003

Valency suffered no damage beyond a worn spot on the rail - saves me some sanding!
At Podickory Point about 2/3 of the the boats left before the storm. The club
saw about a 7 ft surge, but fortunately not accompanied by much wind or waves.
Two powerboats relied on their "Hi-and-Drys" without securing them, and one of
these drifted off and knocked two others off their racks. There was no visible
damage on any of the boats in slips, but the clubhouse and outbuildings were in
bad shape. 

There is a phenomenal amount of debris in the water. As the tide started to flow
out of the Magothy Saturday evening, the water was covered with floating boards,
logs, sections of dock, dockboxes and who knows what else! The bay will be one
big collision hazard for some days.

Now if any of you need some comfort food in the form of Girl Scout Cookies, my
daughter Rachel is a Brownie, and she can be your source. If anyone is
interested, reply directly to my email, and she would be happy to share the
catalog with you. She will have to send her orders in by month's end.

Mike / Pat / Rachel / Max
Valency #272 

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